Result: Fail
Last Tuesday I set myself the challenge to act as a fully functioning adult at work after stapling my fingers and accidentally drugging myself the previous Tuesdays. As of yesterday I felt that my week had gone pretty well; I had taken on some extra responsibilities and had even managed to be reasonably well behaved at afterwork drinks. However, this afternoon my ability to not make an ass of myself took a serious blow. Of course, it was bloody Tuesday.
I have been feeling pretty dodgy the last few days as a result of erm..."lady problems". As if paralysing stomach cramps and splitting headaches aren't enough, I have been extremely tired to the point where I spent my entire Sunday and Monday afternoons in bed. Unfortunately, this afternoon during Year 5 Victorian history, the fatigue hit with no bed in sight. Perched on a stool in front of the whiteboard my eyelids began to feel as though they had been filled with concrete. Despite my best attempts, I could feel them drooping closed and my head bobbling like a buoy in the ocean.
I'm not sure how many times I drifted off only to wake myself when my chin hit my chest, but it was enough times for the teacher I work with to notice. First, she moved her lesson away from the whiteboard I was dozing in front of to avoid any gossiping from the kids. Then, stifling her laughs, she started to drop comments into the lesson like, "has your character in your story ever fallen asleep and then woken themselves when their head dropped?" Finally, she put me out of my misery and sent me to get some fresh air with some photocopying. Admittedly, I had no idea this was occurring at the time; I thought my sneaky snoozes had gone by unnoticed. I realised this wasn't the case when she began laughing at my misfortune with another teacher after class.
Moral of the story is I'm not going to be winning TA of the year any time soon. This was reinforced when I was quizzing the children on a poem about adulthood and one of the questions was, 'Have you ever met an adult who behaves like a kid?' They all just stared and eventually one of them pointed at me and silently mouthed 'you'. I know I should have told her off, but secretly I was kind of proud. I staple my fingers, I accidentally drug myself and I fall asleep in class. I don't have it together enough to be considered a fully functioning adult just what?
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