Monday, 18 March 2013

In search of the far better things

In the middle of 2012 I was confused about life as it was; I was doubting my choice to study psychology, I wasn't really sure about my relationship and as a result, was having a hard time at work. So I got online, bought myself an airline ticket and took the opportunity to run away to London. Maybe it wasn't quite as simple as that, but essentially that is how I ended up here.
The day before I left one of my best friends gave me three beautiful cards to read on the flight over, one of which was the inspiration for this blog. It quoted C.S Lewis and said "There are far better things ahead than we leave behind" and inside set me a number of challenges for my year abroad:

1. Build a snowman
2. Karaoke
3. Go on lots of day/weekend/many day trips (don't stay in the same place, explore, travel, wander)
4. Introduce yourself to EVERYONE (they could be your new best friend/future husband)

In her wise words she told me, "These are the 'better things' that lie ahead of you, and that's not to say things here aren't wonderful too. The not so good things can be forgotten in new excitement and the good things will all be waiting for you when you get back!"

I fully intend to tick off all of those challenges (and maybe a few of my own) and document them here. Consider it my own quirky 'Eat, Pray, Love'...I haven't actually read it but I imagine it's kind of like this! x

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